Configuration Backup/Restore Software

Save and restore the setup parameters from a PC

Designed for METTLER TOLEDO industrial weighing terminals

The InSite Configuration Tool is an application for the PC that can be used to save the values of various terminal setup parameters and restore them at a later date, or to copy configurations into other terminals.  Supported terminals include IND and ICS model Mettler Toledo weighing terminals.


Easy to Use

Provides easy back-up and restore of METTLER TOLEDO weighing terminal configuration files via either a serial or Ethernet connection.


Ready for the Global Market

InSite offers multiple user languages which match the available user languages within the weighing terminal.  Compatible with Windows 7, 8, and 10 operating systems.



Password protection on the terminal prevents inadvertant or unauthorized changes to the terminal configuration, both via InSite and via the weighing terminal HMI.

Setup+ Configuration Management Software

Save and Load Device Configurations

The Setup+ application is used to save the configuration information for ACT350 and IND141 devices, and restore them at a later date, or to copy configurations and files to other terminals.

This software is provided as a free download to registered users, from the Setup+ Software registration page. Once registered, Setup+ users are notified when updated software is available.

InSite SL Data Communication Software

The InSite® SL application is used to save the values of various terminal setup parameters and restore them at a later date, or to copy configurations and files to other terminals.

InSite SL is used to perform the following:

  • Extract the current configuration from a connected terminal and save it as a file locally
  • Load a saved configuration into a connected terminal


InSite SL can be used with these industrial terminals:

  • ICS 4×9 and 6×9
  • IND226x
  • IND131/IND331
  • IND560
  • IND560fill
  • IND560 PDX
  • IND570
  • IND780
  • IND780drive
  • IND890

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