Rubber screens have a much longer lifespan and reduced noise levels compared to wire screens, they also have a lower opening screening area on smaller apertures.
widely used in commercial and domestic applications. For example, factories, window grilles, security mesh, data protection, stained glass protection and as machinery guards.
Our channel grating has a wide range of apertures from 2–10mm, with V shaped wires, reducing incidents of blockages with clear and unobstructed open area.
Our stainless steel wedge wire industrial grating is available in natural, satin and polished finish. This gives a heelsafe flooring and walkway as well as an aesthetic finish.
Screen Systems wedge wire swimming pool grating and shower grating is made from stainless steel. They’re available in natural, satin and also polished finish.
Screen Systems wedge wire swimming pool grating and shower grating is made from stainless steel. They’re available in natural, satin and also polished finish.
The creation of heelsafe grating, heelsafe flooring, mesh floor grating, and open bar flooring has been significantly advanced by the latest technology in welded wedge wire.
Our wedge wire filters, cylinders and slot tubes are made from our profile wedge wires. The wedge wires are rolled and welded to support rods at regular intervals.
Water recycling has a positive impact on the environment, it’s also a big cost saving for businesses. Screen Systems water recycling screens (wedge wire panels) are a cost effective, self-cleaning solution to water recycling issues.